What is wheeling system?

Wheeling system is predefined design pattern for playing LOTO and enhancing Your chances for win.

Commonly accepted notation in defining wheeling system is V,K,T,M = B where:

  • V - count of numbers You play on (how many different numbers are in system)
  • K - total count of ballots drawn
  • T - guarantee (how many hits system guarantees…)
  • M - guarantee condition (… if M of K ballots drawn are in V numbers You play on)
  • B - number of combinations in system (system length; the shorter the system the less You pay in)

Wheeling system contains numbers from 1 to V. These numbers are indices (ordinal numbers) of actual numbers You are playing on.


You play on numbers 5, 8, 13, 14, …

Everywhere in a system You have to replace 1 with 5,  2 with 8, 3 with 13, and so on…

It's not complicated job but it easily becomes tedious, especially if You play bigger systems.

What is Quick Pick & Check?

Quick Pick & Check is program that helps You to replace numbers quickly and easily, save system on Your hard drive, and check system after drawing.

Quick Pick & Check is free for personal use only.

Program is NOT intended to print tickets, partially due to various different ticket formats in use. Eventual program enhancements, enabling ticket designing and printing, will not be distributed as free version.

How to select numbers?

The first step is to load a system -> Open button.

Program recognizes two types of system formats:

1. QPC format (two digits per number)

2. Mr. Belic's format (coma separated numbers)

The dialog presented enables selection of a system, saved in either of these two formats, as follows:


Set the total count of numbers in a game first ('Numbers' spin-box). After that, select numbers You play on (by mouse clicking on desired numbers).

You can also leave the choice of numbers to computer, by clicking on Pick Button.

Having this done, all You have to do is to click on the Swap button.

The replacements will be shown on screen as well as saved in the file which name appears in the lower left corner (63256.rwl in the shown case)

Now You are ready to fill the tickets and try Your luck.

How to check hits?

Open a saved system -> Open button

Select normal numbers drawn by left clicking on them in numbers table. Bonus numbers are selected by right clicking on them. There are some LOTOs allowing for normal and bonus to overlap. Program allows for the same number to be selected both as normal and bonus one.

  • Normal numbers are shown in DARK BLUE color

  • Bonus numbers are shown in LIGHT RED color

  • Numbers selected both as normal and bonus ones are shown in LIGHT BLUE color

If needed, selected number is deselected by repeating click on it, with according mouse button

After the selection of normal and bonus numbers is completed everything is set up for check -> Check button

The upper list shows the summary of hits .

In the lower detailed list there are individual winning combinations presented, in the following format:

  • how many hits (normal + bonus)

  • ordinal number of a combination in the system

  • combination itself 

Detailed list is sorted by number of hits, starting with the most successful combinations and descending.

For installation just download and unzip file qpc.zip (size 235 KB).

Last updated 16.09.2001 .